Organize Your Life - Out With the Old. In With the New.

clutter free living healthy lifestyle change high performance coaching inner peace minimalism organization Feb 08, 2025
Lindsay Rose Martin
Organize Your Life - Out With the Old. In With the New.

Your home is a beautiful reflection and a manifestation of what has been going on within your own mind, thoughts and beliefs.  If you look around, everything you have right now was once a thought in your own wild imagination.   That’s why it’s always beneficial to look around and let go of things that are no longer aligned with the person you are right now in the present moment.  Letting go of old things and making room for the BRAND NEW things that are coming into your life is a spiritual practice.  Not only will this practice leave you feeling incredible, but it will allow more peace, love, and joy to flow into your life.


As we go through life we accumulate stuff.  What we liked last season might not be what we like this season, so why hang on to outdated interests and stuff that no longer reflects who we are today?  Let it go and replace it with stuff that you love right now. 


Once you do this, you will find you feel so much better because everything is energy, and everything has energy, or some form of memory attached to it.  If what you see, or what you have in your home is no longer giving you the warm fuzzies, then it’s time to part ways.


If it’s old, outdated, worn out, broken, just let it go.  It’s served its purpose well.  Not to mention when you leave this world, you can’t take stuff with you when you go, so having no attached to stuff is so freeing!

Personally, I love updating and refreshing the things in my home on a regular basis and I am always trying to find the best products that work for me and my family.  Whether that be clothes, furniture, appliances, technology, food, makeup, cars, or anything else in between I want to make sure my life and my environment is filled with stuff that I love and use on a regular basis. 


If I haven’t used something or worn something in the past 6 months, I get rid of it, and I try to be very mindful of what I buy and bring into my home for I love the feeling of having an organized and clutter free space for it allows me to be more focused, present, peaceful, calm, and even more productive and efficient in my life.  I also buy things of quality, not quantity.  When you purchase good quality items that cost a little bit more, you save more time and money in the long run, so always invest the extra money into quality.  Cheap now, usually always means expensive later.


I put together a list of some things I personally replaced this past month, and let me tell you, it just feels so much better!  So, take a look around your own home, and make sure you love what you see.  I contemplated adding in links to what I personally purchased, but I feel as if I would be doing your own creative powerhouse a huge disservice.  Sometimes we can be influenced into buying things that other people like and recommend only to realize that it’s not what our highest self would have chosen had it been given the chance to. 


Sometimes we buy things just for the sake of buying them only to realize that’s not really who we are. Be under your own influence.  Go off on your own and buy the things that YOU love and that personally speak to you at this season of your life and enjoy.  Maybe even try something entirely new and different than you would have chosen in the past, for you can always replace it, but you’ll never know what you like or don’t like if you don’t try new things.


Here is the list:


  1. Bathroom towels
  2. Coffee mugs
  3. Wine glasses
  4. Wooden spoons
  5. Utensils
  6. Measuring cups
  7. Cookie sheets
  8. Can opener
  9. Blender
  10. Cutting board
  11. Tea towels
  12. Kids thermoses
  13. Water bottles
  14. Lunch bags
  15. Laundry hampers
  16. Bathroom garbage cans
  17. Drawer organizers
  18. Bedding
  19. Candles
  20. Hand soaps
  21. Dog toys and dog storage treat containers
  22. Hand weights and yoga mat
  23. Carryon suitcases
  24. Picture frames
  25. Closet hangers


So, there you have it!  Out with the old, in with the fresh and new!  May your life and your home be as peaceful and as beautiful as you are.  Both inside and out!


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