When it's Time to Leave
Oct 24, 2022
There will come a time in your life where you wake up and a powerful truth comes over you.
It's a thought, a feeling and a knowing that "I AM better than this"...
You will know and feel deep down that what you are doing and what you are currently tolerating in your life is no longer working and that it's below what you are truly capable of in your life.
This feeling will not come from a space of lack, not good enough, or unworthiness, but rather from a space of complete self-worth and value of ones own self.
So if you get that feeling of "I AM better than this" then you might be wondering what is "this"?
Well it could be a long list of things.
It could be your marriage or a relationship in your life.
It could be your current house or location.
It could be your current job, career, or the way your boss treats you.
It could be your capped salary and how much vacation time you are allowed off with your family.
It could be your weight or current state of your health.
It could be a business that is not exactly you anymore, or that is no longer filling you up on the inside.
It could be your current wardrobe, stains on your clothes, or the car you drive.
It could be where you buy your groceries, or the fact that everything you buy is cheap and on sale.
It could be your circle of friends or how much time you waste on social media.
It could be food or beverages that you eat and drink and leave you feeling like crap afterwards.
It could be your emotions and how you are feeling every single day.
It could be where you get your hair or nails done.
It could be where you do your grocery shopping or the fact that you no longer want to bag your own groceries and are looking for a higher quality service.
It could be where you buy your children's clothing from, or how clean their daycare centre is.
Whatever "this" is for you, if you are are not leaving something or someone that is not serving your highest good, then it will be very difficult for you to live a happy, healthy and fulfilled life.
So here are 20 signs it's time to leave.
1. When you've given too much of yourself away at the expense of your own inner happiness, health and peace of mind.
2. When you look in the mirror and don't recognize the person you've become.
3. When what you are doing is causing you to be too exhausted to spend time with your family.
4. When all you think about, worry about, and stress about is money.
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Recommended Life Transformation Programs:
Life Worth Living Challenge - Live Your Life Happy, Healthy and Free.
Additional Reads:
Wake Up and Live - 101 Days of Deep Inner Work to Transform Your Life
Rise and Shine - 101 Days to a Happier You
Taking Your Personal Power Back - 101 Days of Relentless Action Forward
High Level Leadership - 101 Days of Rising Happy, Healthy, and Free to Serve a Greater Good
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